



こ れは、何の番組だったでしょうか。後ろの方に林家みどり???が見えていますね。せんだみつおも!林家みどりの隣は、もしかするとフォーリーブスの一 人??そしてルネの横で唄っている二人は一体誰?ガロ?風??向かしすぎて覚えていませんが。。。ルネの活躍した時代はとっても昔になってしまったのです ね。。

i am not sure what tv programme this was. i only remember those people from long long time ago lol the time rene was popular in japan seems like ages ago! indeed it was some 33 years ago!


ど うしてこの時間に家にいたのか不思議ですね。 ルネの通訳をしていて道上さんの姿も後ろにあります。1983 のルネとナタリーの来日時には、二人がこの番組に出演しています。これも私は見ていました。司会の女性には三雲孝江さん。三雲さんは、そのとき、英語とフ ランス語を話され二人と会話をしていました。 74年頃にルネとフランス語で会話の出来る人は、あまりいなくて、雑誌スーパーアイドルルネによると、後で有名な映画監督になられた伊丹十三氏がルネと会話ができたと書かれていました。伊丹氏の作品には、「たんぽぽ」「お葬式」「マルサの女」 などの傑作が多くあります。どれもが日本人、日本社会や文化を興味深く描いています。伊丹氏が1997年に亡くなられてしまったことは、とても残念でなり ません。

this tv programme is from TBS (tokyo broadcasting, channel 6 in tokyo area). it was a morning talk show for 'housewives' at 8:30 every morning. the tall japanese guy behind is mr michigami who was rene's translator. in 1983, rene and nathalie were on this same tv programme together! one of the hosting people was a woman called ms takae mikumo who could communicate with rene and nathalie in both english and french. i remember rene could not find many people who could talk to him in french in 1974 and 75 in japan though there was one japanese guy did. his name is Juzo Itami who became a popular film producer later on. his films are all focused on japanese society, people and its culture with very interesting view points. 'tanpopo', 'funeral', 'taxing woman' are all his. his films are highly praised in Japan and other countries, they are often used in university classes studying about japanese society. you should watch those! very interesting and enjoyable films. sadly Itami passed away in 1997.




i think the card rene showing is a new year's card for 1975 or 76. i remember rene's shirt, scarf and the flower seems like from kamakura, japan. the card says, ' wish this year will be a wonderful year for you and myself'. but i’ve never seen this photo before, wonder if you have seen this?



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